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New Species found recently.

Category: Animals

6 Terms

Created by: tula.ndex

Number of Blossarys: 51

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發現在西方,害羞熊貓是介於一隻家貓和一個玩具熊,但是是食肉的浣熊家庭成員。它已具綿狀毛的橙棕色的皮毛,住在哥倫比亞和厄瓜多爾的雲霧森林。它的名字是從 'neblina',這意味著在西班牙文中的霧。據說它在晚上大多處於活動狀態,吃水果,它也在同一時間傳送一個嬰兒。 ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Animals

Discovered in the west, the shy bear cat is a cross between a house cat and a teddy-bear, but is a member of the carnivorous raccoon family. It has woolly orange brown fur and lives in the cloud ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Animals

Also known as Lucihormetica luckae, the glow-in-the-darkcockroach is a species of giant cockroach, which can be found in the south American mountain, Tungurahua. Its back carapace features two large ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Insects

Unlike its relative the common hammer-head shark, The Carolina Hammerhead, named Sphyrlna Gilberti has 10 less vertibrae. It was recently discovered off the coast of South Carolina. It was found by ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Animals

A new species of gecko leaf-tailed, and bolder dwelling frog isolated in an Australian mountain, Cape York Peninsula, are highly camouflaged. None of these had been seen before 2012, but have been ...

Domain: Animals; Category: Animals

Discovered in the Amazon River, the Arapaima freshwater fish can, according to mailonline.com, breath air, and has armour like scales to survive piranha bites.

Domain: Animals; Category: Animals

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