Invent a Term

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Define a term in arts, science, sports, politics, entertainment or anything else that interests you and have it forever stamped with you as the original creator.


Language; Slang

Bread in slang means money ,, people say : I need some bread to pay for my car , bread here means money.


Internet; Social media

A blossary is a blog written in the form of a list of terms and definitions related to a specific topic. It's a new way to create ...


Culture; People

One who, like the black hole at the center of our galaxy, sucks in others' stories of personal success and allows not a single ...


Language; Slang

Can means in slang bathroom we say :" Do you know where the can is?" in common language we use "bathroom" instead of "can" .

back to Ithaca syndrome

Psychology; Psychological disorders

The feeling of frustration and discomfort experienced by somebody who, after living in a foreign country for several years, comes ...


Computer; Computer hardware

Term used to describe Apple addicts, who must always be amongst the first to buy all the newest Apple Gadgets, think poorly of ...


Dance; African-American

A rare condition when one's legs and hips suffer severe pain while dancing ("I'm sorry, I'm afraid you have severe Twerkitis ...


Internet; Social media

"Human fidelity": a system of connecting to people around you in public places when the internet is not accessible by wi-fi ...


Language; Slang

English that is badly spoken by first-language English speakers. Doglish results from the blend of "doggish" (= mean, bad) and ...


General; Miscellaneous

Showing the desire to buy more books, despite already owning more than one could possibly read.


Entertainment; Movies

Used to describe actor Vin Diesel when he breaks away from his typical role of mediocre acting in an action film and gives an ...


Internet; Internet marketing

Terminization is the characterization of a term-oriented digital world in which everything seemingly revolves around terms. A ...

Human advancements demand new terms.

Languages evolve over time, changing and growing with society’s needs. No other time in human history has seen such profound and rapid language development.

As the world’s largest terminology wiki, is proud to provide a platform for you to introduce and share new terms that will shape the future of your field. In return, you will be forever credited for having coined your terms.

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