Home > Blossary: The Moon
Name: Moon Age: 4.5 billion years old Mass: 73'490'000'000'000'000 million kg Shape: Egg-shaped Family: Member of our solar system, satellite of earth Active Relationships: Orbits around the earth Distance from earth: 384'467 km (~364 397 km at perigee, ~406 731 km at apogee) Traveling by car: 130 days Traveling by rocket: 13 hours Traveling by light speed: 1.52 sec Diameter: 3476 km (1/4 of the Earth's) Driving around by car: 4 days Gravity acceleration: 1.62m/sec2 (1/6 of Earth's) Revolution period: 27.3217 days Mean Synodic period(new moon to new moon): 29.530588861 days Mean orbital velocity: 1.023 km/sec

Category: Geography

17 Terms

Created by: tula.ndex

Number of Blossarys: 51

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A causa de la pèrdua d'energia orbital cap a la gravetat de la Terra, mica en mica la lluna es va allunyant del nostre planeta. Al principi de la història de la Terra, la lluna vista des de la Terra ...

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

La cara de la lluna que es veu des de la Terra sempre és la mateixa. El periode de rotació de la lluna està sincronitzat amb el periode de revolució al voltant de la Terra.

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

An eclipse of the sun occurs on at new moon, while an eclipse of the moon can occur on at full moon.

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

The moon causes many of the tides in the earth's oceans, This is because of the gravity force between the earth and moon. at full moon and new moon, the sun earth and moon are lined up, producing the ...

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

Easter is the first Sunday after the first Saturday after the first full moon after the equinox. (The equinox is quite often March 21, but can also occur on the March 20 or 22.)

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

Though several flags of the United States have been planted on the moon, the U.S government makes no claim to any part of the moons surface. The U.S is party to the Outer Space Treaty, which places ...

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

The moon has almost no atmosphere, because of its weak gravity. All types of gas will escape from its surface. Without atmosphere, there is no wind or water erosion. The moon's surface is about the ...

Domain: Astronomy; Category: Moon

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