Company: Others
Created by: Fatima
Number of Blossarys: 1
English (EN)
Arabic (AR)
Italian (IT)
Russian (RU)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Hindi (HI)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Bulgarian (BG)
Macedonian (MK)
Farsi (FA)
Turkish (TR)
Slovak (SK)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Tamil (TA)
Filipino (TL)
Croatian (HR)
Dutch (NL)
English, UK (UE)
Arabic (AR)
Italian (IT)
Russian (RU)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Hindi (HI)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Bulgarian (BG)
Macedonian (MK)
Farsi (FA)
Turkish (TR)
Slovak (SK)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Tamil (TA)
Filipino (TL)
Croatian (HR)
Dutch (NL)
English, UK (UE)
The social science that analyzes the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services.
Monetary policy that seeks to reduce the size of the money supply.
A policy by monetary authorities to expand money supply and boost economic activity, mainly by keeping interest rates low to encourage borrowing by companies, individuals and banks.
A generic term in finance and economics for the entity which controls the money supply of a given currency, and has the right to set interest rates, and other parameters which control the cost and ...
Autonomous or semi-autonomous organization entrusted by a government to, administer certain key monetary functions.
A monetary arrangement that pegs the monetary base of one country to another, the anchor nation.
The total amount of money available in an economy at a particular point in time.