Company: Others
Created by: Fatima
Number of Blossarys: 1
English (EN)
Arabic (AR)
Italian (IT)
Russian (RU)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Hindi (HI)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Bulgarian (BG)
Macedonian (MK)
Farsi (FA)
Turkish (TR)
Slovak (SK)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Tamil (TA)
Filipino (TL)
Croatian (HR)
Dutch (NL)
English, UK (UE)
Arabic (AR)
Italian (IT)
Russian (RU)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Hindi (HI)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Bulgarian (BG)
Macedonian (MK)
Farsi (FA)
Turkish (TR)
Slovak (SK)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Tamil (TA)
Filipino (TL)
Croatian (HR)
Dutch (NL)
English, UK (UE)
The total amount of a currency that is either circulated in the hands of the public or in the commercial bank deposits held in the central bank's reserves.
The amount of funds that a depository institution must hold in reserve against specified deposit liabilities.
The movement of cash into or out of a business, project, or financial product.
Where the commercial banks, and other depository institutions, are able to borrow reserves from the Central Bank at a discount rate.
The rate at which interest is paid by a borrower for the use of money that they borrow from a lender.
It contains monetary base, interest rates, reserve requirments, and discount window lending.
A production technique which uses a high proportion of capital to labour.