Company: Others
Created by: Fatima
Number of Blossarys: 1
English (EN)
Arabic (AR)
Italian (IT)
Russian (RU)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Hindi (HI)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Bulgarian (BG)
Macedonian (MK)
Farsi (FA)
Turkish (TR)
Slovak (SK)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Tamil (TA)
Filipino (TL)
Croatian (HR)
Dutch (NL)
English, UK (UE)
Arabic (AR)
Italian (IT)
Russian (RU)
Indonesian (ID)
Romanian (RO)
Serbian (SR)
Spanish, Latin American (XL)
Korean (KO)
French (FR)
Thai (TH)
Hindi (HI)
Chinese, Simplified (ZS)
Spanish (ES)
Bulgarian (BG)
Macedonian (MK)
Farsi (FA)
Turkish (TR)
Slovak (SK)
Polish (PL)
Japanese (JA)
Tamil (TA)
Filipino (TL)
Croatian (HR)
Dutch (NL)
English, UK (UE)
The consultancy firm run by prominent economist and former Telstra advisor Henry Ergas.
It provides an outlet for research in all areas of economics based on rigorous theoretical reasoning and on topics in mathematics that are supported by the analysis of economic problems.
A specialized term which refers to real objects owned by individuals, organizations, or governments to be used in the production of other goods or commodities.
System of crop cultivation using small amounts of labour and capital in relation to area of land being farmed.
It occurs naturally within environments that exist relatively undisturbed by mankind, in a natural form.
System of cultivation using large amounts of labour and capital relative to land area.