Home > Blossary: gloprueba


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30 Terms

Created by: curiousT

Number of Blossarys: 2

My Terms
Collected Terms


Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

kundi kwamba kazi kwa maneno zaidi ya saba.

Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

Grupp, mis töötab koos rohkem kui seitsme sõna jagu.

Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

A group that works for more than seven words.

Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

एक समूह है कि सात से अधिक शब्दों के लिए काम करता है.

Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

Sebuah kelompok yang bekerja selama lebih dari tujuh kata.

Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

Un gruppo che lavora per più di sette parole.

Domain: Government; Category: United Nations ₁

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