Industry: Biology
Number of terms: 15386
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Terrapsychology is a word coined by Craig Chalquist to describe deep, systematic, trans-empirical approaches to encountering the presence, soul, or "voice" of places and things: what the ancients knew as their resident genius loci or indwelling spirit. This perspective emerged from sustained ...
La quantité d'oxygène nécessaire pour dissoudre et de décomposer la matière organique. Une mesure de qualité de l'eau souvent appliquée à des eaux usées traitées.
L'intervalle plus ou moins niveau sédimentaire du rivage à la pente continentale qui conduit profondément vers le bas sur le plancher océanique.
Un organite cellulaire, une fois une bactérie libre, qui contient de la chlorophylle. Symbiotes des mitochondries, comme illustré par le biologiste Lynn Margulis.
Un orage violent avec un virage serré, tournantes à courant ascendant (voir mésocyclone). Orages supercellulaires sont des candidats probables pour produire des tornades.
Term introduced (“ecofeminisme”) by Francois d’Eaubonne in the 1974 text Le Feminisme ou la Mort. Dissatisfied with ecological analyses that leave patriarchy out of account, ecofeminists out parallels between how men in the West mistreat women and how they mistreat the Earth: in both cases a relationship of power, control, a will to dominate, and a pervasive fear of of the fact of interdependency. A twist on this is the patriarchal habit of objectifying women while feminizing the environment; women are then seen as less mature or human because "closer to nature. " Not all ecofeminists agree on women's relationship to the natural world: Salleh thinks that feminine bodily experiences situate women more closely to nature, whereas Roach critiques this for reinforcing of the old nature-culture dichotomy. Many ecofeminists have criticized deep ecology's emphasis on unity (seen as a deemphasis on diversity and particularity) and on the need for elaborate philosophizing; for Plumwood, who sees the Western exaltation of rationality as a suicidal expression of ecological contempt, "identifying" with nature is an extended egotism that replaces relationship with psychological fusion. For Ynestra King, the tie with nature, though socially colored, should be celebrated rather than repudiated as "determinist" or "essentialist. "
海産無脊椎動物こと秘密、カルシウム炭酸塩の外骨格と栄養素を提供する藻類と藻類と共生する炭素やサンゴの窒素、リン、住居のような。サンゴは穿孔 (多孔質スケルトン) または (固体スケルトン) 処女です。植民地珊瑚は深い水の中でライブし、造礁サンゴ、暖かい, 浅い水に褐虫藻藻類が日光を受け取ることができます。サンゴが死ぬとき、彼らの外骨格のまま、サンゴ礁の層に層の成長 (環礁を参照)。2 番目のミレニアムは、現在世界の珊瑚の 5 分の 2 は産業汚染のために消えていたし、残りのすべての脅威の下では。
互いに近く一緒にうまく植物を植えます。ここにいくつか: * トマト、コショウの植物のまわりのマリーゴールド。* アスパラガスとパセリ。* ポテト、ニンジン、キュウリ、コールラビ、ほうれん草、イチゴと豆。* バジル トマト、ナス、ピーマンの近く。* ビート、ラディッシュ近くニンジン。* レタスと遅いアザミ。* きゅうりを日陰にトウモロコシ。* マスタードのキャベツやカリフラワーの近く。* 4 ビッブレタスエンダイブ植物当たり 1 ほうれん草工場。(相手) を避けるためにいくつかの組み合わせ: * とニンジンのディル。* 実生ジャガイモとりんごの木。* 豆またはエンドウ豆、ニンニク、タマネギまたはエシャロットの近く。* 何か; とよもぎ何かとユーカリ。
Ya bir tükenmez, güneş ya da Rüzgar enerji, veya değiştirilebilir, ahşap ağaçlar gibi.
Ortak bir atadan torunları tarafından paylaşılan bir benzerlik. Biz dik yürüyün; ilk hominidler de öyle.
Küçük organizmalar atmosferde yaşamak. Bazı küçük tohum, bakteri ve sporlar örnektir.