U.S. Department of Labor
Industry: Government; Labor
Number of terms: 77176
Number of blossaries: 0
Company Profile:
A professional who tends filter-screen unit at wet end of fourdrinier machine that makes paper, sheet pulp, or insulation board from pulp stock. Respnsibilities include: * Adjusts guides to prevent wet felt from running off machine, using wrench. * Turns valves to regulate flow of water and pulp onto filter screens as requested by fourdrinier-machine operator. * Scrapes residue from screens with hand rake. * Observes pickup of pulp from cylinder screens by carrier mat and formation of continuous sheets to detect defects in paper, such as breaks, slivers, dirt, and slime spots. * Notifies fourdrinier-machine operator of paper defects and machine malfunctions.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends rotary or shaker screens that remove slivers, sawdust, dirt, knots, and oversized chips from wood chips used for paper pulp. Respnsibilities include: * Starts conveyors to move wood chips from storage to screens and to transfer cleaned chips to designated bins. * Starts screens and blower to clean chips and adjusts feeding mechanism on screens to prevent overloading. * Cleans screens with airhose and brush after each run. * Oils machine and conveyors. * May tend rechipping machine to reduce size of oversize chips.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends thrasher (dusting machine) that removes dust and lime from rags. Respnsibilities include: * Starts machine and feeds rags into machine hopper. * Removes dust receiver from machine, dumps dust, and cleans machine.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends thrasher (dusting machine) that removes dust and lime from rags. Respnsibilities include: * Starts machine and feeds rags into machine hopper. * Removes dust receiver from machine, dumps dust, and cleans machine.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who tends equipment that bleaches and washes cooked rags used in making paper. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valve to fill vat with water. * Dumps specified quantities of chlorine, lime, and alum into vat to prepare bleaching solution. * Places rags in solution to bleach them for specified length of time. * Turns valve to drain solution from vat. * Sets controls to regulate flow of water into vat to wash bleach solution from rags. * Starts roller to pick up and eject dirty water from vat. * Turns valve to drain wash water from vat. * Removes rags from vat and places them in seasoning bin.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who assists blow-pit operator in washing pulp to remove cooking acid. Respnsibilities include: * Pulls lever to close blow pit drain covers. * Dumps pulp from digester into blow pit. * Turns handwheel to open drain valves that permit gravity drainage of cooking liquor into recovery vat or sewers. * Flushes residual pulp from blow pit, using high-pressure water hose. * Cleans work area, using broom, hose, and shovel. * Performs other duties as described under helper master title.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who assists washer engineer in bleaching and washing cooked rags used in making paper. Respnsibilities include: * Removes covers from boiler, using hoist and wrenches. * Positions stock boxes under boiler openings to receive cooked rags. * Removes rags stuck in boiler, using metal hook. * Pushes loaded boxes to washer and dumps rags into washer, using hoist. * Turns valves to emit rags from machine after completion of wash cycle and conveys material to designated area of plant for further processing. * Records rag type and time of wash cycle on production sheet. * Cleans equipment and work area. * Performs other duties as described under helper master title.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who assists screen tender in removing impurities and uncooked chips from cooked woodpulp. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valve to activate pump that fills defoamer tank. * Washes clogged masses of fibers and impurities from screen plates, using water hose. * Washes and scrapes sand and sludge from rifflers and flow boxes. * Draws and spreads pulp sample in sheet mold. * Observes sample against light, and notifies screen tender when sample fails to meet cleaning specifications. * May remove and replace screen plates, using handtools. * Performs other duties as described under helper master title.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who assists screen tender in removing impurities and uncooked chips from cooked woodpulp. Respnsibilities include: * Turns valve to activate pump that fills defoamer tank. * Washes clogged masses of fibers and impurities from screen plates, using water hose. * Washes and scrapes sand and sludge from rifflers and flow boxes. * Draws and spreads pulp sample in sheet mold. * Observes sample against light, and notifies screen tender when sample fails to meet cleaning specifications. * May remove and replace screen plates, using handtools. * Performs other duties as described under helper master title.
Industry:Professional careers
A professional who supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in operating coating machines to sensitize blueprint and photographic paper. Respnsibilities include: * Sets up machine and adjusts roller speed and drying temperature. * Reads gauges and graphs and inspects control mechanisms to verify machine setup. * Adds chemical ingredients, such as solvents and neutralizing agents, to solution as specified by quality control test reports. * Performs other duties as described under supervisor master title.
Industry:Professional careers