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Of or pertaining to the manipulation of matter on an atomic or molecular scale. More specifically, it is the science and technology of matter manipulation from 1 to 100 nanometers.

Contributors in Nanotechnology



Physics; Nanotechnology

Quantum datoranvändning analog till lite. Qubits uppvisar superposition. Således, till skillnad från normala bitar, qubits kan vara både 1 och 0 på samma gång.

svepelektronmikroskopi (SEM)

Physics; Nanotechnology

Se virtuella Scanning Electron Microscopy

sveptunnelmikroskopi (STM)

Physics; Nanotechnology

Ett instrument kunna bild ledande ytor med Atom noggrannhet; har använts till pin molekyler till en yta.


Physics; Nanotechnology

Defined by Vernor Vinge as the "postulated point or short period in our future when our self-guided evolutionary development accelerates enormously (powered by nanotechnology, neuroscience, AI, and ...

smarta material

Physics; Nanotechnology

Here, materials and products capable of relatively complex behavior due to the incorporation of nanocomputers and nanomachines. Also used for products having some ability to respond to the ...


Physics; Nanotechnology

Ett föremål eller ämne som leder ström med noll motstånd.


Physics; Nanotechnology

En quantum mekaniska fenomen där ett objekt finns i mer än en stat samtidigt.

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