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кең желілік CDMA (WCDMA)

A 3G mobile services platform, based on modern, layered network-protocol structure, similar to the protocol structure used in GSM networks. WCDMA has been designed for high-speed data services and more particularly, internet-based packet-data offering up to 2Mbps in stationary or office environments, and up to 384Kbps in wide area or mobile environments. The third generation radio standard that will offer voice, data, motion-video and other multimedia capabilities, and increases data transmission rates in GSM systems by using CDMA instead of TDMA. WCDMA has become the Direct Sequence (DS) mode in the ITU's 3G specification, which includes the 1X Multi-Carrier mode (1X MC) and 3X Multi-Carrier mode (3X MC). 1X MC (formerly known as cdma2000) and 3X MC comprise the 3G upgrade path for carriers already using CDMA (cdmaOne).

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